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HomeChinese Herbal Tea For Eczema

Chinese Herbal Tea For Eczema

Chinese Herbal Medicine Safe Effective In Children

How Herbal Tea Helped Me Cure Eczema / Dermatitis

As many as 30% of patients with eczema have been prescribed traditional Chinese medicine, but there are still questions about whether it works and is safe, says researcher Julia Wisniewski, MD, of Mount Sinai Hospital in New York.

There is clearly a need for alternative treatments for the skin condition, she says, because many patients with severe allergies continue to have flare-ups a decade after standard therapy with steroids and immune-suppressing agents.

Wisniewski and colleagues studied 14 children with persistent eczema who were treated with traditional Chinese medicine at Ming Qi Natural Health Center in Manhattan between August 2006 and May 2008.

All of them drank Erka Shizheng Herbal Tea twice a day and soaked in an herbal bath for 20 minutes daily. They also applied an herbal cream to their skin two or three times a day and had acupuncture treatment.

At the start of the study, more than half of the participants had severe symptoms on a standard scale that doctors use to gauge eczema severity. After eight months of treatment, most had mild symptoms.

âImprovement in symptoms and quality of life was seen as early as three months,â Wisniewski says. She showed before-and-after photos of several children to document their progress: Red, scaly feet and hands appeared normal six months into therapy.

Participants also reported a reduction in the use of steroids, antibiotics, and antihistamines within three months of being treated with traditional Chinese medicine.

What Ingredients Do You Use In The Herbal Medicine

Majority of the Chinese herbs we use are derived from roots, twigs, leafs and flowers, and occasionally we may use the shells of cicadas which are collected after the cicadas had shed them naturally . The shells of the cicadas have a effective anti-itch property. However, if you are a vegetarian or vegan, we have many other anti-itch herbs that are just as effective.

Home Solutions For Eczema


  • ELIMINATE wheat, corn, sugar, dairy, and soy from your childs diet for at least 40 Days
  • REDUCE/ELIMINATE completely foods that may cause phlegm and are difficult for your childs underdeveloped digestive system.
  • REDUCE/ ELIMINATE: Bananas, Orange Juice, Cows Milk, and Nut Butters.
  • INTRODUCE a Clear Bland Diet: well-cooked complex carbohydrates, veggies, fruit, and a small amount of animal protein.


  • Simmer the ingredients together for 45 minutes, strain, and drink the remaining liquid.
  • Consult your local herbalist to find out the correct dosage needed for you or your child, as dosage varies depending on weight and other constitutional factors.


  • BODY WASH made of equal portions salt and borax dissolved in warm water, applied 2-3 times per day.
  • POULTICE of raw grated potato, held by gauze and changed every 3 hours.

** Its important not to use any oil-based applications, as this may make the condition worse by pushing the pathogenic dampness further into the surrounding areas.

*This entry was written by Naomi Campbell L.Ac, one of the acupuncturists at Sesen Skin Body Wellness. If you have any questions about this blog or about acupuncture..please contact us at 720-443-2715.

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How To Use Green Tea For Eczema

Skin of eczema affected person is piled with dry patches. You must cleanse them to allow natural healing.

Both internal and topical application of green tea is recommended to treat this chronic skin ailment.

If youve mild eczema, then use green tea face mask over the skin for 3-4 times in a week and continue drinking green tea for rest of your life.

#1 Green Tea to Exfoliation

Impurities, dead cells and dry patches accumulate over the skin. Exfoliating with this remedy will remove hanging dry skin patches and also prevent further infection.

  • Mix 1 teaspoon of green tea with 3 teaspoons of plain yogurt and massage over eczema affected area.
  • Dont be harsh.
  • Leave it to dry naturally and rinse it off after 5-10 minutes.

Repeat this process thrice in a week.

You can exclude yogurt and prepare green tea mask.

  • Take your partner help to brew 3 cups of green tea.
  • Let it cool down, you can refrigerator for future use.
  • Take soft cloth or cotton ball and dip in the tea. Gently apply over prewashed eczema patches.
  • Repeat 3-4 times a day and leave it to dry naturally.

Dont allow moisture over eczema flare-ups. Pat dry using soft cloth after every wash.

#2 Turmeric and Green Tea on Eczema Affected Skin

Antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and cleansing abilities of turmeric are prominent. Repeated use of this simple ingredient can actually treat various mild and moderate skin ailments.

Regular application of this innate ingredient can effectively lighten the appearance of eczema scars.

Trying Chinese Medicine With Eczema

Chinese Herbal Medicine For Atopic Eczema

When I saw Dr. Jialing Yu, her way of conducting her appointments was very different than what I was used to. She got straight to the point and asked me about my eczema, she actually LISTENED to everything I had to say about it, its origin and what I suspected made it worse. I never had a doctor listen to me at all, let alone ask me what I thought about my own experience with my eczema!

Recommended Reading: Best Cream For Dyshidrotic Eczema

How Do We Approach Eczema

There is no one-size-fits-all approach from Chinese medicine perspective. Each person presented with eczema will most likely be looked at differently in terms of acupuncture and herbal medicine. In eczema, herbal medicine is often prescribed as the symptoms are a result of an internal imbalance. Herbal medicine targets the root cause of the imbalance whilst resolving symptoms derived from it. External application such as ointment or salve made from Chinese herbs may be recommended to aid the skin condition symptomatically.

Why You Should Try Chinese Herbs For Eczema In Infants And Children

Its heartbreaking to see an infant suffering through a flare-up of eczema, especially for the childs parent. Eczema, otherwise known as atopic dermatitis, is the most common skin disease in children, affecting nearly 25% of children worldwide. Over 2 million Canadians and 15 million Americans suffer from eczema. Since 1970, the prevalence of eczema has nearly tripled.

More common in children who have family members with asthma, allergies and/or eczema themselves, eczema often begins in babies when food is first introduced or when new foods are introduced. The current treatment by modern medicine helps control the eczema, but is not curative. The corticosteroid creams used to treat it have adverse effects over the long-term.

The lives of those affected by eczema are further challenged by the complications of loss of sleep, and commonly they lack confidence and have low self-esteem.

Read more: Children with Eczema Suffer from Lower Self Esteem

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Q: What Do Atopic Dermatitis Patients Need To Know Before Trying This Type Of Therapy Who Is It Appropriate For

A: Patients should know that it is not, so far, reimbursable by insurance. The medicines are approved as supplements, not FDA pharmaceuticals. They should also know that the drugs are manufactured by reputable Chinese hospital pharmacies and tested for purity and consistency by WHO/FDA-approved laboratories. They are NOT to be lumped in with the kind of brand-name supplements that have been getting attention in the press.

TCM is appropriate for patients who have really exhausted all conventional therapies. It is also appropriate for those whose eczema is co-morbid with severe food allergies and asthma. In time, however, as these herbal treatments come into wider use, we may be able to treat people before they resort to steroids. We have done very well with small children who already have bad eczema.

Where Do We From Here

Experience and Advice Using Traditional Chinese Medicine For Healing Eczema Naturally and For Good!

Chinese medicine approach and strategy to addressing eczema is to look at each presenting symptoms individually. There is no one-size-fits-all approach. If you would like to find out more about how Chinese medicine and Acupuncture can help with your eczema, we have a Complimentary Consultation or simply BOOK ONLINEfor either an Acupuncture or Herbal Medicine Consult. We look forward to hearing from you.

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Chinese Herbs For Skin Conditions

Chinese medicine is a very effective treatment for skin problems, it can often resolve stubborn skin conditions that Western medicine struggles to treat. The most common conditions treated by Chinese herbal medicine are eczema, psoriasis, seborrhoiec dermatitis and urticaria. Acupuncture and herbs can also help with related skin conditions such as alopecia, chilblains and leg ulcers.

The most widely publicized skin condition that Chinese herbs can treat is eczema. The most common form being atopic dermatitis with its classic itching, redness and dryness especially in the folds of the skin, like the elbows, knees, wrists and eyes. Usually this is an allergic reaction and patients who suffer from this are characteristically atopic, they suffer from other allergies such as hay fever or asthma. Finding the cause of the allergy, whether it is a food, body lotion, soap powder or other irritant is the first part of treatment, to stop the condition reoccurring.

Again, the art of the Chinese herbalist is to diagnose and distinguish between the different forms of psoriasis , using Chinese medicine differentiation to find the most appropriate herbal formulas to treat the condition. Often the formula has to change and adapt as the condition changes with treatment. Acupuncture plays a role in treating the pain and immobility of Psoriatic arthritis.

Best Herbal Tea Recipes For Eczema

You can easily find loads of herbal teas, but we are only focusing on some incredibly beneficial green teas, which are more than just sufficient to reduce the severity of eczema. Lets underline some best herbal tea for treating eczema.

To increase the effectiveness of these herbal teas, we are going to talk about some beneficial recipes as well. In addition to learning to prepare some tea for consumptions, we will also try to learn how to make some herbal tea for topical application.

#1 Lemon Tea

Lemon is one of the most favorite ingredients when we talk about herbal tea. Lemon Tea provides a refreshing zing to your mood, and its vast quantity of vitamin C helps in healing of inflammation caused due to eczema.

  • Take ¼ cup of lemon balm, ¾ cup of lemon grass and 1 ½ tbsp. of any natural sweetener.
  • Mix all the ingredients properly with a lid.
  • Add 1 tbsp. tea strainer for every cup.
  • Pour in hot water and let the tea steep for up to 10 minutes.

#2 Lavender Tea

This wonderful intoxicating tea can calm your mind, improve your digestive system as well as can bring restful sleep. It is excellent to combat depression as well.

  • Take 2/3 tbsp. dried lavender, ¼ cup fresh mint leaves and 3 cups hot water.
  • Combine mint and lavender properly and pour into cups.
  • Add hot water, honey or any other sweetener.

Also read: Is Lavender Oil Good for Eczema?

#3 Peppermint Tea

#4 Red Bush Tea

#5 Black Tea

#6 Chamomile Tea

Also read: How to Use Green Tea for Eczema?

#7 Calendula Tea

#8 Lemongrass Tea

Don’t Miss: How Does Eczema Look Like

Treating Eczema With Chinese Medicine

Eczema is an autoimmune condition that affects 15 million Americans. Its a general term for a group of conditions that cause the skin to become inflamed, red, dry, and itchy. It can affect people of all ages, but it most often affects very young children. Nearly half of them outgrow it or have significant improvement as they get older. It is also most common in people who have a personal or family history of asthma and allergies.

Conventional treatments include external creams, pharmaceutical drugs, or injectable medications such as antihistamines, corticosteroids, or in severe cases immunosuppressants, which turn down an overactive immune system when skin conditions result from an autoimmune condition.

In Chinese medicine, the proper function and nourishment of the skin is derived from healthy respiratory, digestive, and immune systems. When any one of these systems is out of balance, the skin manifests signs and symptoms. Poor diet, weak immunity, erratic lifestyle, stress, genetic makeup, and environmental factors all play a part in causing skin conditions.

How does Chinese medicine treat autoimmune conditions such as eczema? Acupuncture has been found to modulate immune function within the human body. If an immune system has been hyperactive, as in the case of autoimmunity, acupuncture will down-regulate it to normal. But if the immunity is low, as in a weakened or suppressed immune system, it will up-regulate it to normal.

Benefits Of Chinese Medicine For Eczema

Eczema Psoriasis Herbal Tea Blend 1oz Herbal Tea

Studies show that Chinese herbal therapy decreases the severity of symptoms in patients whose atopic eczema had been unresponsive to traditional treatments such as the use of topical steroids .

Chinese medicine for eczema has also proven to be effective in improving the quality of life in patients with moderate to severe atopic dermatitis . In addition, because its formula is palatable and well-tolerated, it can be used to reduce topical corticosteroid use in children .

While the effectiveness of the treatment is contingent on the skill of the practitioner and the ability of the patient to take the medicine as instructed, Chinese herbs for eczema definitely provide a therapeutic alternative for children and adults whose eczema has failed to respond to conventional treatments .

If youre looking for a TCM practitioner specializing in eczema or Topical Steroid Withdrawal, check out TCM Dermatology.

Have you tried Traditional Chinese Medicine for eczema? What results did you see? Let us know in the comments below!


Cl. and Experimental Dermatol. 1995 March 20: 136-140

Complementary therapies in medicine 2015 Oct 23:644-651

Br J Dermatol. 2007 Aug 157:357-363

Br J Dermatol. 1994 Apr 130:488-93.

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Comparison Of Baseline Characteristics Between Patients

Patients were recruited from July 2014 to the end of September 2016. A total of 168 individuals were screened at the Yueyang Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine Hospital for eligibility . At the end of the trial, 163 out of 168 patients completed the trial with a dropout rate of 3.0% . Of the 5 patients who dropped out, 2 were dissatisfied with the treatment process, 2 could not continue because of their work schedule, and 1 failed to complete follow-up. The baseline characteristics of patients are reported in Table 3. No significant differences in the following variables were observed: age, mean of course of the disease, and EASI, DLQI, and itching scores.

Table 3

The mean age of the treatment group was 44.81±15.00 years 60.49% of the patients were men. The mean age of the control group was 48.16±13.56 years 46.34% of the patients were men. The mean of EASI scores were 14.17±6.90 for the treatment group and 14.17±9.84 for the control group. The mean DLQI scores were 11.38±6.40 and 9.80±5.91 for the treatment and control groups, respectively. The median itching score in both groups was 2.00 .

Can Chinese Herbs Relieve Eczema

Chinese Herbal Medicine May Offer Relief for Dry, Itchy Skin of Eczema, Studies Say

March 17, 2009 — Traditional Chinese herbal medicine may help to relieve the dry, itchy, scaly skin of eczema in children and adults, two new studies suggest.

Other research shows that toddlers who have egg, elm, or cat allergies are at increased risk of developing eczema by age 4. Children whose parents have eczema are also at risk.

All three studies were presented this week at the annual meeting of the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma& Immunology.

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Beauty: From The Inside Out

When his father was diagnosed with terminal cancer in 2014, Benjamin Kwan was under mounting stress. Almost overnight, his skin became inflamed and itchy. It was very uncomfortable and frustrating, and I lost sleep because of it, the 28-year-old entrepreneur recalls.

He tried several over-the-counter creams for his eczema before moving on to steroidal creams prescribed by a skin specialist. But the eczema persisted. Seeking alternatives, he turned to Traditional Chinese Medicine .

He was prescribed a powder containing a mixture of herbs which he dissolved in water and drank twice a day. Within days, the itchiness had lessened and the rash began to subside. Two to three weeks later, it had mostly disappeared, except for the areas around his hips and knees. He continued taking the herbs and that, too, disappeared over the next three months.

I was so much happier and could sleep through the night again, he says.

Restoring balance

TCM practitioners believe that good skin is an outward reflection of physical, emotional and mental health. TCM views the body as an integrated whole, in that the health of the internal organs is reflected externally. The heart and liver are impacted by stress, and that manifests externally as acne on the forehead or the bridge of the nose, explains Eu Yan Sang physician Lin Xiao Yan.

Addressing the source of problems

Mitigating factors

The best herbs for great skin

Here are some beauty-boosting herbs:

Traditional Chinese Medicine Success Stories

Our Natural Treatment for Babies & Kids with Eczema Using Chinese Herbs: How Does it Work?

In a study conducted at Ming Qi Natural Health Center, several participants drank Erka Shizheng Herbal Tea, took herbal baths, applied herbal creams to the affected areas, and completed multiple acupuncture sessions. This combination of therapies greatly reduced symptoms for most participants, who began the study with severe eczema and ended it with very mild symptoms.

In another study, an herbal decoction was administered to 37 young patients with eczema. Those who took the decoction found greater relief from symptoms than those given a placebo. After being given the opportunity to extend treatment, 18 of the young participants experienced a 90 percent or greater reduction in eczema symptoms. Researchers concluded that traditional Chinese medicine could be an excellent solution for children with atopic eczema who fail to respond to other treatments.

Some success in eczema treatment has been attributed to the Chinese herb Shuangfujin, which was compared to boric acid, saline, and Pifukang lotion treatments in a notable study. The results showed that Shuangfujin was approximately as effective as Pifukang lotion and far more effective than boric acid or saline.

Eczema can cause significant suffering among holistic practitioners and patients alike, but with your help, its symptoms can be controlled.

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