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Does Manuka Honey Help Eczema

Advantages Of Manuka Honey For The Body

How Manuka Honey Can Help Your Eczema

Whethertaken by mouth or applied topically on the skin, manuka honey is a naturalhealer used against a plethora of infections. Most commonly, it has been provento improve skin and clear out unpleasant issues associated with it, such aseczema.

Hereare some of the benefits associated with this superfood.

Benefits Of Manuka Honey For Exczema

Taken either orally or used externally, Manuka honey has fast become a leader in natural therapies due to its medicinal qualities providing improvement to various health ailments, including skin conditions such as eczema.

Here are some of the reasons why people are becoming so excited about this sweet product:

Wound and burn protection and healing: The protective quality of sterilized raw honey means it can be applied directly as a dressing to guard wounds and burns, with some studies¹ suggesting an increased recovery healing time from certain mild burn cases and inflammatory symptoms.

Infection control for helping eczema and acne: When pathogenic bacteria penetrates the skin, eczema and acne can develop. The naturally strong antibacterial and antimicrobial components of Manuka honey can help kill off these unwanted organisms to assist in controlling itch and infection.

Contains non-peroxide activity : As opposed to normal honey, NPA is a sun/liquid/heat-stable property of Manuka honey. This gives rise to the strong active enzymes accountable for its potency, and bacteria/inflammation fighting vigor.

Immune boosting: Manuka honey has been shown to stimulate certain immune cells within the body, leading to better quality wound healing which is especially helpful for eczematous skin.

Better sleep: Understanding the influence quality sleep has on the immune system and eczema is important – when sleep is poor, the entire body suffers.

Using Manuka Honey Externally For Eczema

Due to the powerful phenolic compounds, applying Manuka honey directly onto the eczema skin, while beneficial for controlling unwanted bacteria, can also pose as an irritant for some. This is why most people prefer to apply this medicinal honey diluted, as part of a mixture.

I have included some instructions for making your own Manuka honey lotions from home.


Ingredients: Raw bioactive Manuka honey 2 Tbsp Olive oil 1 Tbsp Beeswax 2 Tbsp

Need:Small pan, sterile glass jar with a lid , mixing spoon

Instructions:1. Place pan over a low heat and melt beeswax, ensuring not to burn2. As soon as the wax melts, remove the pan from heat3. Quickly add the Manuka honey and olive oil, mix well to combine. You may notice the mixture becomes a little fizzy but thats ok as long as its off the heat.4. Transfer the mixture into the sterilized glass jar/s5. It will start to set once the mix begins to cool6. Store the jar in the refrigerator and when you want to use, either use a clean q-tip or make sure your hands have been washed with soap so as to limit the amount of contamination going into the mixture. Apply only a thin layer of the mix to the skin and allow to completely dry.7. After approximately 20 minutes, wash the mixture off with luke-warm water, then pat dry with a clean cloth.

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Symptoms & Types Of Eczema

The appearance of eczema can vary from mild forms, when skin looks dry and flaky, to severe forms, when skin can be extremely irritated and red. The most severe types of eczema can make your skin crack and ooze. Other times, it will feel itchy, and scratching leads to a red rash or leathery skin.

The other tricky part is that there are a few different types of eczema, which can make it harder to get under control since they vary in symptoms and treatment options. How long your eczema lasts depends on the type of eczema and its response to treatment. A couple of the most common types of eczema include:

Why Use Manuka Honey For Eczema

Manuka Honey For Eczema: Is Manuka Honey Good For Eczema?
  • The bacteria fighting properties are crucial to combat staph and other topical infections eczema patients are so very prone to.
  • Honey maintains moisture, something we definitely need to combat the dryness, flaking and scaling.
  • The skin barrier is known to be much weaker in those with eczema, so we definitely need this extra barrier protection.
  • Wound healing? Yes, please! This is an absolute must for anyone with eczema broken skin from scratching, dry, cracked skin, and red, open, oozing sores can all use a bit of healing.
  • Recommended Reading: Best Non Prescription Eczema Cream

    How Can Manuka Honey Help In Skin Care

    Manuka honey has strong antibacterial properties that help in fighting bacterial infections.

    As a superfood, its also an immuno-modulator. This means that its a substance that helps to regulate the immune system.

    This is a normalisation process that allows manuka honey to optimise the immune response. Most of us eat it regularly to contribute to a healthy lifestyle.

    Many of us neglect the fact that manuka honey also has great skincare properties. For example, manuka honey is a natural humectant. It can draw moisture from the air and retain the skins moisture.

    Not only that, manuka honey has a high viscosity that helps it create a protective barrier to prevent infections.

    History Of Honey And Its Healing Properties

    Bees and honey are mentioned early in our human writings, ever since Sumerian and Babylonian writings and there are laws about bees in Hittite Code.

    In one of the oldest known scriptures dating approx 2000 BC, there is a prescription written on a clay tablet from Nippur, the religious centre of the Sumerians in the Euphrates valley. It is a remedy for treating and healing wounds which tell you to: Grind to a powder river dust and . then knead it in water and honey and let plain oil and hot cedar oil be spread over it. Proving that Honey was being used as a form of medicine back in 2000BC. This is the first documented evidence that honey was used as medicine.

    Honey was recorded even earlier Ancient Egypt and even China but it isnt clear if they were using it as medicine or just as a food source.

    Honey was and still is used around the world to treat wounds, normally applied to bandages and wrapped around the wound to speed up the healing process.

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    How To Use Manuka Honey For Eczema

    While you can apply raw honey directly to the skin, this tends to get messy and sticky pretty quickly. That’s why we prefer to reap the benefits of honey by using it in the form of a cream. A natural treatment we love is this Organic Manuka Skin Soothing Cream. Made with just six ingredients, it’s perfect for those with sensitive skin or patients with eczema, psoriasis, or atopic dermatitis. The all-natural ingredients include organic olive oil, organic beeswax, filtered water, grape seed oil, Manuka oil extract, and of course, organic Active 16+ New Zealand Manuka honey. It’s a soothing oil-based balm that’s sure to moisturize even the driest of skin. With absolutely no burning or stinging, it’s perfect for both kids and adults.

    We recommend you combine the cream treatment with wet or dry wrap therapy. Wet and dry wrap therapy are simple treatment options that you can do from the comfort of your home. Wet wrap therapy involves covering the cream with a damp piece of clothing and then layering with a dry layer over the top. We recommend keeping the layers on overnight or for a minimum of two hours.

    Finally, for eczema or itchy skin on the hands, check out these Remedywear Gloves for Adults and Remedywear Kids Gloves. They offer a stretchy fit that extends just past the wrists. Wearing them in combination with the skin-soothing Manuka cream truly helps restore moisture to the fingers, palms, and wrists and boosts the healing process.

    How Manuka Honey Helps Eczema

    Why Manuka Honey Heals Eczema, Psoriasis, & Wounds | The Best Natural Cream for Eczema

    The Manuka honey is known for its medicinal properties that can pretty much heal any kind of illnesses from internal disease such as acid flux and ulcers to the external illnesses such as ear infections and open wound.

    One dsease that can be treated with Manuka honey is eczema. Knwown as the most irritating diseases, eczema is a skin condition that has no cure but can be treated using Manuka honey. Here is how Manuka honey helps eczema.

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    How To Apply Manuka Honey Topically

    When applied topically, manuka honey is most commonly recommended for skin-related infections. According to a different study by the National Center for Biotechnology Information, applying manuka honey on your skin will keep harmful bacteria under control, reduce irritations, and inflammatory infections. At the same time, itll rush the natural healing process.

    While applying it is simple, those with extremely sensitive skin may experience mild irritations. For this reason, its recommended to start with a small dose. Plus, the honey should be diluted or used in a cream, rather than applied as-is.

    Kiva Certified Umf 20+ Raw Manuka Honey

    Kivas raw manuka honey is one of the highest-rated manuka honey around. Harvested from the remote and pristine hills, forest, and coastal areas of New Zealand, this manuka honey har UMF rating of 20+, which is equivalent to methylglyoxal 825+.

    Whether or not honey is raw is one of the most important things to consider when buying honey . Raw honey has higher levels of beneficial antioxidants and enzymes and has a number of health benefits associated with it. Kivas UMF 20+ is raw honey has great healing properties, that can help to cure eczema.

    CONSUMER REVIEWS: 1) Cleared out a sinus infection due to Streptococcus. 2) Great as post-surgery suture healing and scar treatment. 3) Cleared psoriasis on elbows and knees. 4) Helped with skin rash, and eczema itching.

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    Try The Manuka Honey Skin Cream Today

    Bio: Jennifer is the author of Its An Itchy Little World blog, as well as owner of The Eczema Company. After going through so many trials and errors to heal her sons eczema, Jennifer wanted to share her experiences and favorite products with others in need. Discover her journey here. Jennifer is not a medical professional. Her comments, suggestions, and reflections are not intended to take the replace of medical advice. Always seek the help of a medical professional before undertaking any diet or lifestyle changes. Please see Its An Itchy Little Worlds disclaimer for information about affiliate links and more.

    Do Dermatologists Recommend Honey As An Eczema Treatment

    Alternative treatment

    Dr. Saedi says honey works for some people, but shes not fully on board. Some people swear by it and think its the best thing, but I dont personally recommend it as a product, she says.

    Dr. Yin warns that while honey does have some great attributes, people should not rely solely on it to treat eczema flares. More rigorous scientific studies are needed to confirm its benefits in this setting, she says.

    Finally, Friedmann says he wouldnt recommend it to patients, either. He says there are plenty of products available at the drugstore that can do just as good a job as honey and without the mess.

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    Does Manuka Honey Help Seborrhea

    Specific types of raw honey especially manuka honey can assist in the treatment of seborrheic infections, be it dermatitis or dandruff. It can be applied topically or taken orally. Just like for other infections, it might be a better idea to mix it with other healthy and natural ingredients, only to prevent some of its potential side effects.

    Manuka Honey Tea Recipe For Sore Throats

    The growth of Streptococcus pyogenes, or Strep bacteria, responsible for causing sore throats can be stopped when taking Manuka honey. For this reason, taking a teaspoon of Manuka honey or drinking honey tea during times of sickness or low immunity can help provide instant relief and assist with bringing down inflammation.



    Mug or small tea pot, tea infuser

    Instructions:1. Peel, slice, and smash ginger then add to cup or tea infuser2. Add Manuka honey and hot water to cup3. Let ginger and honey steep for 2-3 minutes4. Add juice from the lemon5. Enjoy!

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    Research Suggests Manuka Honey May Help Treat Eczema

    Natalie Yin, MD, a board-certified dermatologist at U.S. Dermatology Partners in Colorado, says that honey can help treat eczema because of its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Those elements can keep skin issues from occurring, or minimize swelling or redness when they do pop up. While regular honey is well known for its antimicrobial properties, manuka honey is the front-runner of honeys for non-peroxide antimicrobial activity, according to research published in in the journal AIMS Microbiology. According to the NCI, manuka honeys antibacterial properties come from the concentration of its active ingredient, called methylglyoxal, because it appears to release hydrogen peroxide. The NCI also notes that the honey has been said to help with wound repair, which could help eczema patches heal.

    Another plus for patients with eczema: Honey can help keep skin hydrated. Honey could work, because it is an incredibly thick emollient that would help trap moisture in the skin, says Daniel P. Friedmann, MD, a board-certified dermatologist with Westlake Dermatology in Austin, Texas. Trapping moisture is key, because people with eczema have skin that struggles to hold onto hydration, hindering its ability to protect against bacteria, allergens, and other irritants, according to Mayo Clinic.

    How Does Honey Heal The Skin

    Introducing… Amazing Aloe Vera Eczema & Psoriasis Cream with Manuka Honey

    The healing property of honey is due to the fact that it offers antibacterial activity, maintains a moist wound condition, and its high viscosity helps to provide a protective barrier to prevent infection. Its immunomodulatory property is relevant to wound repair too.Honey is an ancient remedy for the treatment of infected wounds, which has recently been rediscovered by the medical profession, particularly where conventional modern therapeutic agents fail. The first written reference to honey, a Sumerian tablet writing, dating back to 2100-2000 BC, mentions honeys use as a drug and an ointment. Aristotle , when discussing different honeys, referred to pale honey as being good as a salve for sore eyes and wounds.

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    Manuka Honey Eczema Mask Recipe

    Youdont necessarily have to buy a mask from the store, yet they usually come withmore ingredients and even more benefits. If you want to make your own, itsonly a matter of minutes. So, what do you need?

    • 1 tablespoon of beeswax
    • 1 tablespoon of olive oil
    • 2 tablespoons of manuka honey

    Meltthe beeswax into a pan at low heat. Take the pan off, away from heat, add theother ingredients and mix for a few minutes. Place it into a sterilized glassjar and give it time to cool. It starts setting once cold. The jar should bestored in the refrigerator.

    Whenapplying it, stick to a thin layer and let it dry, then rinse it with warmwater and pat dry. Wash your hands prior to the application to preventunnecessary bacteria from reaching your skin.

    How Do I Use Honey To Treat Eczema

    To use Manuka honey or raw honey to treat eczema on the limbs or torso:

    • Dry wrap: Moisturize the skin with a well-tolerated cream or natural oil, apply a layer of honey, and cover the areas with a thin layer of soft fabric. Leave on overnight and rinse off in the morning. Follow with a moisturizing cream or oil.
    • Wet wrap: Apply honey to the skin, and then apply a damp bandage, followed by a layer of dry bandage to lock in moisture. Leave on overnight and rinse off in the morning. Follow with a moisturizing cream or oil.

    To treat eczema on the face with honey: Apply a thin layer of honey to the affected areas of the face. Leave on for an hour, and rinse thoroughly. Apply a moisturizing cream or natural oil to lock in the moisture.

    Use caution when choosing commercial manuka honey creams since many contain olive oil, which can worsen eczema by impairing the skin barrier functions.

    People who are allergic to celery, bee pollen, or bee venom should not use honey, nor should it be used on children under one year old.

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    Eczema Types And Symptoms

    There are several different that share common symptoms, such as , redness, and scaling. The types of eczema include:

    • : Often begins in childhood and comes and goes periodically. Its often associated with allergic conditions like and .
    • : Happens when an irritant or touches the skin.
    • : Small, deep blisters develop, typically on the hands or feet. Itching and burning may also occur.
    • : Limited specifically to the hands. May be caused by allergies, repeated hand washing, or exposure to strong soaps and detergents.
    • : Begins with itching, which can cause frequent scratching. Sometimes itchy, red patches and thickened skin also develop in the affected area.
    • : Causes itchy coin-sized patches, typically on the torso, arms, hands, and feet.
    • Stasis dermatitis: Can occur in people with poor circulation. Its most common on the lower part of the legs.

    Knowing what type of eczema you have can help you care for your skin and symptoms. It can also help you communicate more effectively with your healthcare providers.

    Medicinal Values Of Manuka Honey

    Organic Manuka Skin Soothing Cream

    Generallyspeaking, honey is the produce of bees. They get nectar from all kinds offlowers to produce it, then they store itin different departments throughout the hive. The honey is basically their foodand meant to help them survive the winter.

    Asmentioned before, manuka honey is one of the numerous types of honey. Just likethe name clearly suggests it, bees producing it grab the nectar from manukabushes. Since it comes from one type of flower only, the final product is knownas a monofloral honey.

    Manuka honey has multiple medicinal values and most of them relate to its antibacterial properties that come from a component known as methylglyoxal. Such properties are defined by the UMF Unique Manuka Factor. This factor is what truly defines the medicinal properties of this honey.

    When buying manuka honey for eczema, make sure you double-check the UMF. You can find it in all kinds of strengths, yet the lowest ones are mostly useful to sweeten your tea and nothing else. If the UMF is rated at 4 or less, the respective honey has no medicinal capabilities.

    Onthe other hand, a factor between 5 and 9 will provide a few general advantages.Its great for health and maintenance, but it will not necessarily help you inthe treatment of skin conditions and other similar problems. Manuka honey canbe part of your therapy when the UMF is between 10 and 15. At this point, ithas a relatively good antibacterial value and it will help with mild infections.

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