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HomeCauseCan Eczema Be Caused By Hypothyroidism

Can Eczema Be Caused By Hypothyroidism

Additionally Unbalanced Hormone Levels Create Other Problems

Iodine deficiency, supplementation, Lugol’s solution and eczema

Think of your body as a clock, with the thyroid as one of the main gears: when it works, the whole system moves smoothly! Likewise, if the thyroid is producing too much or too little hormones, this can lead to a hormone imbalance: negatively bringing down the other parts of the clock , affecting your overall health and performance.

Here are some of the most common side effects of a slow or unhealthy thyroid:

Weakness and random fatigue Difficulty sleeping Increased sensitivity to temperatures Dry or puffy skin Urticaria Candida Puffy or dry eyes

Hyperthyroidism: Too Much Hormones

This occurs when overactive tissue in the thyroid gland causes an overproduction of thyroid hormones . Hyperthyroidism can lead to thyrotoxicosis, the clinical condition of increased thyroid hormones in the blood.

Effects on the skin:

In the case of thyrotoxicosis, your skin is affected by the overproduction of hormones. The skin often becomes thin in some areas, and thicker, darker, and hyperpigmented on others.

Hives and itching also occurs as a result of hormone overproduction, and skin can become intensely dry. In serious cases, a thick redness called pretibial myxedema may appear at the front of the legs, and spread to other areas.

Because of the similarities to skin disease, many dermatologists tend to diagnose this as a form of contact dermatitis or eczema.

What Is The Thyroid And Why Is It Important

Ever been told you need to balance your hormones? Well, thats where the thyroid comes in! The thyroid is an extremely essential gland located in the front of your neck, right under your Adams apple.

Its job is to produce hormones that directly act on your brain, gut and digestive tract, bone, heart, glucose, and protein metabolism, liver function, and much, much more.

These important hormones are called thyroxine and triiodothyronine .

T3, in particular, is extremely important: it regulates our bodys temperature, metabolism, and heart rate! In fact, every single person needs a proper balance of this hormone to be able to function properly.

T3 and T4 also strongly influence the junctions in the stomach and small intestine that form the gut barrier, and have been shown to play a big role in protecting our gut mucosal lining.

This means that you almost cannot have a healthy gut and immune system, without having a healthy thyroid. They interact together!

When your thyroid is healthy, it works well: producing necessary hormones that help to strengthen and protect your gut lining. This also works vice-versa: when the gut is healthy, it works with the thyroid to produce necessary hormones.

However, the problem occurs when either the thyroid or gut are unhealthy. This commonly leads to a thyroid disorder.

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How To Overcome Eczema In Graves Disease And Hashimotos

Skin conditions are common in those with thyroid and autoimmune thyroid conditions. Eczema, also referred to as atopic eczema or atopic dermatitis, is a chronic condition that is characterized by red and itchy skin. While it can sometimes be challenging to overcome eczema and other skin conditions, there are natural treatment options that can help, which of course Ill discuss in this article.

Eczema is especially common in those with autoimmune conditions such as Graves disease and Hashimotos thyroiditis. Because other skin conditions are common, how can one know if they have eczema? Typically it will be diagnosed based on the appearance of rashes, the parts of the body where the rashes are present, and how long someone has had these rashes for. Seborrheic dermatitis is sometimes confused with eczema, but itching isnt as common, and it frequently clears up on its own after a few weeks or months .

Eczema is more common in childhood, and while most cases will resolve before adolescence, approximately 25% will continue to have eczema as an adult. In children, teenagers, and adults, eczema commonly affects the backs of their knees, the inside of their elbows, and the back of their neck, although it may also affect the palms of their hands and soles of their feet . In babies it more commonly appears on the cheeks and outer surfaces of the arms and legs .

What Causes Eczema?

There are two proposed theories as to why eczema develops:

The Gut vs. Skin Microbiome

Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia Syndromes

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MEN syndromes represent a spectrum of autosomal dominant disorders that include benign and malignant neoplasms of multiple endocrine tissues. Variable endocrine involvement leads to a diverse range of clinical presentations, with cutaneous features often contributing to the identification of these disorders . MEN1 has an estimated prevalence of 1 to 10 per 100,000 individuals and is characterized by tumors of the parathyroid glands, endocrine pancreas, and anterior pituitary . The combined prevalence of MEN2A and MEN2B is approximately 1 per 35,000 individuals, with MEN2A representing 90% to 95% of cases . Common features of both MEN2 syndromes include medullary thyroid carcinoma and pheochromocytoma. MEN2A is distinguished by parathyroid hyperplasia while clinical findings of MEN2B include ganglioneuromatosis, and Marfanoid habitus.


Absence of a gene that encodes the tumor suppressor protein called Menin is responsible for the clinical constellation seen in MEN1. The features of both MEN2A and MEN2B occur due to a gain-in-function mutation in the RET protooncogene .

Dermatologic manifestations

The most significant dermatologic manifestation of MEN2A is lichen amyloidosis. This condition has a predilection for the extensor surfaces of the upper back and extremities, with pruritus often the initial feature. Lesions appear as gray-to-brown, hyperkeratotic papules that have the potential to develop into larger plaques .


Also Check: Dermatologist That Specialize In Eczema

Identify Your Food Triggers

The first line of defense when it comes healing skin rashes is to identify your food triggers. Eliminating inflammatory and triggering foods will not only help short-term inflammation and flares, but will help heal your gut long-term as well.

Triggering foods can increase inflammation of your gut lining making it really hard to digest and assimilate nutrients from your food.

To be fair, eczema specifically has more potential food triggers than those which are typically recommended for addressing Hashimotos and other autoimmune diseases.

There are more common food triggers like gluten, dairy, and eggs. Unfortunately, many integrative practitioners agree that while no clinical data exists, eggs are often problematic for those with eczema.

  • Amine-rich foods

Each of these triggers contains a lot of different common foods. Doing so will be utterly overwhelming without any guarantee that youll actually feel better.

You can test out each one at a time for a week or two, but ultimately this should be coupled with check out gut function and identifying any potential gut infections or dysbiosis. Removing food triggers alone will not resolve your eczema skin rashes if there are underlying gut issues that must also be addressed.

Feed your skin daily

Different Skin Rashes As Symptoms Of Thyroid Problems

Since thyroid hormones take part in regulating so many different body functions, it is expected that various different symptoms develop if the normal thyroid levels are off.

It should not come as a surprise to find out that thyroid problems affect our skin as well.

In fact, there are several different skin rashes that develop as a symptom of the most common thyroid problems.

Based on the skin rash, a dermatologist can help in diagnosing the underlying cause.

In the following article, we will cover the most common skin rashes that develop as a symptom of thyroid problems.

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Here Are Some Ways To Move Forward If You Notice Dry Skin:

Talk to your family

Did you know you are at an increased risk of developing a thyroid disorder if you have a family member with the same condition? Talk to your family. Ask about symptoms, treatments, and more. Bringing this information to your next appointment can be a valuable resource for you and your doctor.

Talk to a professional

Dry skin isnt the only sign of thyroid disease. It can also be a symptom of other common conditions. To avoid self-diagnosing and the additional guesswork, schedule an appointment with your podiatrist. Adding moisture to your daily hygiene routine remains an important part of daily foot hygiene.

Take the test

Changes to your hair, skin, and nails are among the most visible signs of thyroid disease. For this reason, dermatologists and podiatrists help patients notice the symptoms early. A blood test is the only way to confirm you have a thyroid disorder. Make an appointment today. Make an appointment today.

Skin Manifestation Of Thyroid Hormone Action On Other Tissues

Vitiligo Hashimoto’s Disease/Hypothyroidism Update

Thyrotoxic skin is sometimes described as the texture of an infant’s skin: warm, moist and smooth. While the smooth skin is an epidermal finding, the warmth is caused by increased cutaneous blood flow and the moisture is a reflection of the underlying metabolic state. Increased blood flow in the skin along with peripheral vasodilatation may be responsible for facial flushing and palmar erythema. The increased skin perfusion of thyrotoxicosis has been confirmed experimentally by laser Doppler techniques60 and nailfold capillaroscopy.61

The thyrotoxic patient may suffer generalized hyperhydrosis, usually more prominent on the palms and soles. Sweating in thyrotoxicosis is a reflection of the underlying metabolic state. It is thought to be related to the increased sympathoadrenal activity resulting from the synergistic action between catecholamines and thyroid hormone.62 Localized hyperhydrosis has been reported in cases of pretibial myxedema. Investigators have proposed that peripheral sympathetic nerves when stimulated by perineural infiltration of mucin.63

Hyperpigmentation has been described in thyrotoxic patients in both localized and generalized distribution similar to that of Addison disease . There is speculation that the hyperpigmentation is due to increased release of pituitary adrenocorticotropic hormone compensating for accelerated cortisol degradation.64 Treatment with T4 has been shown to alter hair growth and pigmentation in cattle.65

Also Check: Why Do Babies Have Eczema

Now Is Endocrinologa Diabetes Y Nutricin More Information

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Skin changes associated with thyroid disease include specific lesions such as thyroglossal duct cyst and skin metastases, nonspecific signs such as those secondary to hormonal changes due to hyperfunction and hypofunction, and dermatological changes associated with thyroid diseases, of which we provide two clinical examples.

The prevalence rate of primary autoimmune hypothyroidism is 5%, and up to 8.3% if subclinical hypothyroidism is included.1 Skin manifestations associated with PAIH include a number of skin diseases common to patients with this condition and others directly dependent on thyroid function.

Skin changes directly dependent on thyroid hypofunction include:

Typically dry, pale, and cold skin due to decreased capillary flow, sweating, and thermogenesis palmoplantar keratoderma, which may become generalized and convert into xeroderma, but dramatically responds to replacement therapy.

a and b. Granuloma annulare.

Dermatologic Manifestations Of Endocrine Disorders

Michael Lause1, Alisha Kamboj1, Esteban Fernandez Faith1,2

1 The Ohio State University College of Medicine , 2Division of Dermatology, Department of Pediatrics, Nationwide Childrens Hospital , USA

Contributions: Conception and design: All authors Administrative support: All authors Provision of study materials or patients: All authors Collection and assembly of data: All authors Data analysis and interpretation: All authors Manuscript writing: All authors Final approval of manuscript: All authors.

Correspondence to:

Keywords: Dermatology endocrine cutaneous manifestations

Submitted Aug 28, 2017. Accepted for publication Sep 20, 2017.

doi: 10.21037/tp.2017.09.08

The endocrine and integumentary systems interact through a cohort of complex mechanisms. Dysregulation of endocrine hormones, as is seen in the many endocrinopathies, often results in clinically significant dermatologic disease. As these cutaneous lesions can serve as markers of endocrine disease and result in substantial morbidity, it is important for clinicians to be aware of their documented dermatologic manifestations.

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Cause Of Hives With Thyroid Disease

Autoimmunity is thought to be one of the most common causes of chronic hives.

Autoimmune diseases are those in which the body’s immune system mistakenly attacks its own cells and tissues. It does so with immune proteins called autoantibodies that cause chronic or recurrent attacks known as flares.

In the case of autoimmune thyroid disease, the thyroid gland is the target of the assault.

During an autoimmune flare, the spontaneous release of autoantibodies can trigger the release of another protein known as immunoglobulin E . IgE is the antibody responsible for allergic reactions, such as hives or rash.

Not all autoimmune diseases trigger an IgE response. Those that do produce autoantibodies that target a specific proteinâcalled a high-affinity IgE receptorâfound in tissues under the skin. The autoantibodies “turn on” these receptors, triggering the production of IgE and the chain of events that lead to allergies.

Hashimoto’s thyroiditis is one of several autoimmune diseases closely linked to chronic urticaria. Others include lupus and rheumatoid arthritis .

Chronic hives may occur in tandem with an autoimmune flare or when the disease is subclinical . During subclinical episodes, even low levels of autoantibodies can trigger an IgE response.

While Hashimoto’s thyroiditis may increase the risk of chronic hives, not everyone who has Hashimoto’s will get hives. This suggests that other environmental or genetic factors may contribute to the risk.

Symptoms Of Chronic Hives With Thyroid Disease

Skin Rashes Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Hives associated with thyroid disease are similar to hives from other causes. They tend to develop rapidly and resolve in a relatively short period of time.

With that said, some forms of urticaria are chronic, meaning that they last for more than six weeks and recur frequently over the course of months or years.

Symptoms of chronic urticaria include:

  • Patches of raised red or skin-colored welts , often on the chest, back, neck, face, and buttocks
  • Wheals that can change in shape and size, sometimes fading and later reappearing
  • Itching, sometimes severe, and/or a stinging or burning sensation

Hives associated with autoimmune thyroid disease are most often chronic.

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Skin Care From The Inside For Hypothyroidism: Aging Rosacea Psoriasis And Eczema

Anti-aging skin products and treatments comprise a $10 billion market globally. Rosacea, psoriasis, and eczema affect millions of Americans, sending them in search of topical skin care solutions. While the effectiveness of anti-aging and skin care treatments range in their success, they overlook the most vital aspect of skin care: addressing skin health from the inside out.

The skin is an immune barrier. Another large immune barrier is the digestive tract. Both the skin and the gut protect the sterile bloodstream from potentially harmful substances from the outside world. Other immune barriers are the respiratory tract and the blood-brain barrier.

For people with Hashimotos hypothyroidism, addressing skin health from an immune perspective is important. Hashimotos is an autoimmune condition in which the immune system attacks and destroys the thyroid gland. In these cases, whole-body immune management is necessary, and, as a bonus, can improve skin.

What Is Hashimoto’s Disease

Hashimoto’s disease is an autoimmune disorder that affects the thyroid. This condition occurs when antithyroid antibodies attack and damage the thyroid gland, causing it to become underactive and produce fewer thyroid hormones than the body needs .

The thyroid gland is a small organ shaped like a butterfly, which sits at the front of the neck. It produces hormones responsible for regulating various essential body functions. For example, the hormones it produces influence:

  • Metabolism and weight

Hashimoto’s thyroiditis impacts approximately 1 -2% of people in the United States,¹ affecting more women than men. Whats more, hypothyroidism isn’t the only risk Hashimotos disease poses. In some cases, the thyroid gland becomes inflamed and swells, forming a goiter. Treatment is necessary to improve symptoms and prevent the condition from worsening.

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Trouble Concentrating Or Remembering

Many patients with hypothyroidism complain of mental fogginess and trouble concentrating. The way this mental fogginess presents itself varies by person.

In one study, 22% of low-thyroid individuals described increased difficulty doing everyday math, 36% described thinking more slowly than usual and 39% reported having a poorer memory .

In another study of 14 men and women with untreated hypothyroidism, the participants showed difficulty remembering verbal cues .

The causes for this are not yet fully understood, but difficulties in memory improve with treatment of low thyroid hormone .

Difficulties in memory or concentration can happen to everyone, but if they are sudden or severe, they could be a signal of hypothyroidism.

Summary: Hypothyroidism can cause mental fogginess and difficulty concentrating. It may also impair certain kinds of memory.

How Many Of These Signs And Symptoms Do You Have

Hashimoto’s patient with severe skin eczema/rash heals with NeuroMetabolic Integration.


Dry, pale, and cool skin Moist, velvety, and warm skin like a babys Dry skin with deep cracks and scale Deep, noticeable lines on your palms and soles Yellowish-orange color on your palms and soles Doughy and swollen face, especially on your eyelids, lips, and tongue Widening nose Sweating less than before Goiter Protruding eyes Flushing on your face and red palms Darker skin in the creases of your palms, on your gums, or elsewhere in your mouth Rashes, especially in the creases of your skin Painless lumps and patches of scaly, discolored skin, and the affected skin feels hard and waxy Reddish spots on the skin that come and go

Protruding eyes

When eyes protrude, its often a sign of thyroid disease.

Painless lumps and patches of scaly skin feel hard and waxy

Lumps on discolored skin that feel hard and waxy can be a sign of thyroid disease.


Thinning eyebrows on the outer edge Coarse, dull, dry, and brittle hair that breaks easily Soft and fine hair with lots of shedding Thinning hair or balding patches Growing more slowly Dry, itchy scalp and dandruff Less hair on your legs, arms, and other areas


Thick, dry, and brittle with visible ridges Soft, shiny, and easily crumble Growing more slowly Peel, crumble, or break easily Lift up Curved with swollen fingertip and thickening skin above the nail

Curved nails with swollen fingertip


Itchy skin without a rash Untreatable and itchy hives

Existing skin disease

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